Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Environmental Portrait Final Edits

 MOORESTOWN, Carl Gersh, CEO of BeSeen Communications, in the midst of work.


MOORESTOWN, Carl Gersh, CEO of BeSeen Communications, in the midst of work.

MOORESTOWN, Carl Gersh, CEO of BeSeen Communications, showing an intern how he feels.

MOORESTOWN, Carl Gersh, CEO of BeSeen Communications, in the midst of play.

MOORESTOWN, Carl Gersh, CEO of BeSeen Communications, in the midst of play.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Environmental Portrait

Marketing CEO by day, hitman by night.

Carl and Chloe relax amongst the clutter.

Mr. Gersh is flustered by a phone call.

A normal sight from an intern's desk.

Carl Gersh prepares for the daily battle of the marketing world.