Thursday, October 28, 2010

Class Writing Assignment

The good:

I have learned a lot about how to work the camera.  I came with absolutely no knowledge of taking photos and I currently have a decent understanding of how to make a camera do what I want.  I have also gained a better understanding of angles to make a potentially boring photo into something interesting.  Along the same lines I have become much better at observing my surroundings in order to find the best shots.

The bad:

One thing that I still have trouble with is making adjustments on the fly.  I have missed a few photo opportunities because I took too long to set up the camera.  I have also messed up a few shots because the best ones out of a given set were out of focus.  The only other problem I have had is getting a camera.  Not living on campus makes finding time to take out a camera very difficult.

The solutions:

As for making adjustments I'll just have to practice more and I'm sure I will continue to grow.  For the out of focus shots I now know that I can zoom in on the preview screen.  That will help me know which shots to re-take.  As for getting a camera... I'll just have to deal with it.

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